Work to pay down our almost-50 million dollar bond debt
Set up a sustainable way to fund required infrastructure projects
Avoid spending on unneeded, expensive-to-maintain projects
Public Safety
Support our local Police and Fire Departments
Ensure we have the equipment and manpower to keep our community safe
Negotiate in good faith for pay and benefits
Roads and Traffic
Find creative ways to solve our traffic problems
Fix potholes quickly and effectively
Patch or re-pave areas that are frequently problematic
Water treatment is about to be a major issue in Oviedo.
Pursue advanced filtration and a more common Free Chlorine treatment (to move us off our current chloramine treatment and the flushing waste it requires).
Pursue creative methods for paying for water plant upgrades
Develop in ways consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Only deviate if there are clear and obvious benefits for existing residents.
For all development, ensure maximum benefit for current residents of Oviedo
Listen to feedback from residents
Rural Boundary
Support and keep the Seminole County Rural Boundary strong
Push back on attempts to use annexation to circumvent development restrictions